Minimizing Your Wardrobe

by Terry Blockett 10/13/2019

Do you find yourself searching through your closet for a big event and still feel like you have nothing to wear? It may be time to filter through the wardrobe you've acquired and rid your closet of things you just don't wear anymore.

What should I keep? 

Going through the years of clothes you’ve collected can be a week-long task. Start by filtering through your possessions in sections. Start with shoes, then shirts, and so on. Although it may be time-consuming, consider trying on each item and looking at yourself in the mirror. Some of the things you're holding onto may not even fit you anymore. If it no longer fits or is no longer your style, toss it in a donation bag.

Another thing to be on the look for is damage. Does a piece have a stain, a missing button, or a small tear? If so, it's time to let go of it. You should also think back to the last time the item you wore it. If you haven't used the outfit in the past year, it's most likely time to let go.

Breaking the attachment. 

You may be holding onto a particular item in hopes of having an occasion to wear it. Keeping "just in case" things can take up space in your closet that you could utilize for pieces you can use regularly. Eliminate unused pieces by only keeping one outfit per occasion. You can also minimalize your wardrobe by only keeping items that are versatile. For example, keep clothing items that can be dressed up or worn casually. Choose to keep clothing items that are colors you’re already comfortable wearing. If it makes you uncomfortable when you try it on, it'll most likely stay hidden away in your closet. Break the attachment on clothing you hope to wear one day by keeping items you genuinely love seeing on yourself.

The Maybe Box. 

Purging your closest of unworn items may be scary because at one point in your life you've gotten rid of something and then later regretted it. If you're having a hard time letting go of an item because of fear of missing it, create a maybe box. Toss these types of articles into a box and set a deadline on when to get rid of them. For example, set a deadline for two months from now. If you do not think of any of these items in that period, then it's time to say goodbye to them. If you do happen to reach for a particular item in the box, then keep it. 

Saying goodbye to clothing you've accumulated over the years can be tough. We sometimes feel an attachment to clothing because of the memories associated with them. By getting rid of old items, you're making room for making new memories. If you're having a hard time filtering through your closet, call a local professional home organizer in your area for assistance.

About the Author

Terry Blockett

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