Thinking Positively

by Terry Blockett 08/04/2019

There is a saying that goes, “Being positive is a state of mind.” Although that may be true, many people have a hard time getting there and staying positive no matter what life may throw at them. Throughout the day, people experience different obstacles that can affect them for the rest of the day. Some experiences take place before even leaving the house. Here are some practical things that you can begin to do and make a habit of to brighten up your day.

Think Positively

Starting out with ‘thinking positively’ may sound easy enough; however, start by changing the negatives in your life into a positive. Instead of considering the worst of something, think about the best thing that could happen in that particular scenario. You will quickly see how your attitude changes as well as your perspective. 


Now, this may be a hard request for some people because they immediately think that they will look silly to someone or even to themselves. Scientists have found that if someone smiles, it begins to change the mood. A smile is inviting and lets someone know that they are welcomed. So try it next time. When you are in a tense mindset, head to a mirror and smile. 

Be one With Nature

There is something to be said about stepping outside into the fresh air. Letting the wind hit your skin and taking it all in. Taking walks outdoors can also be a stress reliever. It allows you to go through all of your thoughts and to think through everything. 

Count Your Blessings

When something horrible happens, it is easy to look at that and think that everything around you is also falling apart. That there is no hope in sight. However, if you choose to look at the things that you do have or the things that are going well in your life, you will see life differently. Focus on the things that are going well. The things that you do have. Your mindset will begin to shift.

Write Out Your Thoughts

Sharing emotions with others can be intimidating and makes them vulnerable. Writing out your thoughts allows you to see what you are struggling with and perhaps maybe realize that the situation or problem as big as you thought. Freemake is a virtual diary that allows you to access a journal directly through your phone. After some time, you can also go back and look at your notes to see if your perspective on the matter has shifted. You will always surprise yourself.

Human beings are involved individuals that continuously go through a variety of emotions and face countless situations. By doing simple and practical things, we can shift our way of thinking and navigate through life in a healthier state.

About the Author

Terry Blockett

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